Templates for Food Hub User Agreements
Templates for Food Hub User Agreements

Developing professional relationships with HUB users, based in part on carefully developed contracts, is important in safeguarding the success of HUB and its Users, as well as protecting their customers. We have provided basic HUB-User agreement templates for your review and development relevant to your processing facility. These are templates are provided as editable Word documents of that can be adapted to your situation.
Whether you’re planning a new shared kitchen facility or growing an existing one hub, talking with other food hubs can provide invaluable insights for your project. You’ll find a list of food processing and innovation hubs in British Columbia on the BC Food Hub Network web pages.
Are your Agreements consistent with the requirements of local health authorities?
We strongly advise that prior to creating agreements that HUBs review the requirements of local Health Authorities for shared-use kitchen facilities to ensure that your HUB and its users are in compliance with local regulations. Fraser Health, for example, has a Commissary Owner Guidance Document that sets out the requirements for both the HUB Owners and Users. HUB Owners must apply to operate a processing facility, of course. Furthermore, the document lists information that must be provided (and approved) by users before any agreement is signed, including a Food Safety Plan and Sanitation Plan. Fraser Health also stipulates that the food preparation areas can only be used by one user at a time.
How does your Food Hub communicate its policies with Users?
Does your Food Hub maintain an up-to-date policy binder? Does your Hub have important policies that may not be included in User agreements? How does your Hub communicate these policies with Users? How does your Food Hub ensure these policies are read and understood by Users? Should your Food Hub consider including key policy statements in an Appendix attached to a signed Agreement? For example, there are significant requirements outlined in the Transportation, Purchasing, Receiving, Shipping, and Storage Prerequisite Program for the safe management of ingredient inputs and products at the Food Hub.
Finally, we recommend that you seek a legal review of your Agreements, as well as with local health authorities.