
Exterior, interior and common areas of the facility. Common areas can include parking lot, shipping/receiving areas, entryways, washrooms, common cleanup areas, shared kitchen and/or preparation areas.
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Challenges and Responsibilities
Challenges and Responsibilities

The Food Hub program in BC is providing entrepreneurs with access to equipment and premises in a cost-effective way. Although the overall responsibility for maintenance and sanitation of the premise is the HUB Operator, HUB Users have shared responsibility to respect the equipment and building to which they have access.
An effective Premise monitoring program is critical to reduce entrance of pests, retain integrity of the building, and for the development of a collaborative food safe environment. The HUB Owner and users must work cooperatively to ensure the Premises are maintained in a suitable food safe manner. The risks of a shared Premise where the Hub Owners and HUB Users are not complying or respecting this relationship will negatively affect all. The potential of pest entry, resulting in pilferage and adulteration of products, materials, and ingredients will result in a very rapid demise of the facility’s legitimacy as well as users’ safe and quality products and users’ respective Brands. Methods to reduce these risks are covered in the documents, procedures, and record keeping identified within the Premises section of this program.
The Premises section of the Manual includes pre-operational and monitoring checklists, sample records, and identified responsibilities of changes in the plant environment whether through renovation and/or maintenance processes. Recording and tracking change management within the Premises ensures proof of a food safe environment.
Factors and costs to consider:
Document List
Document List
The documents below are for your HUB use. You may use them as complete (pdf) or modify them to suit your needs as required (Word).