Equipment Design, Installation, Maintenance, and Calibration
Equipment Design, Installation, Maintenance, and Calibration
What is included in Equipment Program?
The challenge in any shared facility is to develop a blame-free environment where people can communicate with the HUB Management when equipment needs maintenance or is defective. This immediate notice will reduce the time the equipment is out of commission as well as ensuring that the equipment is not unexpectedly used when not functional and/or is not cleaned effectively. The relative responsibility for damage etc. is included in the example contracts. In this section, sample SOPs for the equipment maintenance program, maintenance records, and training HUB Employees and HUB Users on the equipment will be provided. The installation and location of HUB Users equipment must also consider the risks to the other HUB Users and their products. Remember Safety First before operation, cleaning, maintenance, and use.
Want to go to the document list? Click on a link below to go directly to that section.
> Policy
> Standard Operating Procedures
> Forms
> Records
> Work Instruction
> Reference
> Signs
Challenges and Responsibilities
Challenges and Responsibilities

Food Hubs provide access to equipment; some of which are solely owned by the Food Hub and other pieces of equipment that may be owned by others, perhaps leased to the Food Hub or provided by a third party. The latter could be another HUB User of the Food Hub, that offers this equipment available for other HUB Users.
Equipment must be cleaned and maintained for continued function and food safety. These activities are shared responsibilities between HUB Management and HUB Users.
HUB Management must develop a maintenance schedule and report to HUB Users when the equipment is unavailable and the reason. If the reason is for a prolonged period due to needed maintenance or unexpected repairs, the HUB Users must be advised and/or notified if the equipment has been booked during this period.
Clean equipment that is in good repair and well maintained will ensure all HUB Users have continued access to this equipment for their needs.
This section of the manual provides examples of procedures and reporting forms.
Before any repaired equipment is put back into use it must be cleaned and sanitized and inspected for functionality. An All Clear notice or tag with the date available after a repair has been completed and the equipment cleaned and sanitized will indicate to the HUB Users that the equipment is again
available for use.

For Hub owned equipment, Manuals must be available and used as the source for creating repair and maintenance schedules, prescribed lubricants to ensure continued efficacy and to maintain qualification for warranty with the manufacturer.
Cleaning methods will also be provided in Manuals for each piece of equipment as well as any disassembly instruction. Some generic pieces of equipment may not have attached manuals but a search online, in most cases, will provide details for the type of equipment and model number.
The costs of prescribed/recommended maintenance as well as the time required for conducting these activities should be considered as part of the regular overhead costs. The durable life of the equipment should also be considered for eventual replacement and budgetary decisions.
The Owner’s Manuals will also provide written and detailed instructions for use of the equipment including personal safety, lock out procedures, and cleaning procedures.
Maintaining records of these activities my seem onerous but a suggestion of creating a summary of the timelines for Maintenance for each of the pieces of equipment can identify the frequency of actions to create an efficient schedule optimizing the qualified personnel or contractor to conduct these activities. A single binder works well to include the specific equipment list and the timeline for maintenance (suggested lists included below under documents).
Qualified individuals must conduct the repairs of equipment and wear protective coverings for personal protection, particularly when disassembly is required.
All electrically based equipment should have CSA or equivalent certification. This will ensure insurance is valid in Canada as well as available parts and qualified equipment repair people will conduct the repairs as required.
Any chemicals, lubricants, or solvents etc. that are used within the food processing facility must be segregated and preferably in a locked cabinet to ensure unintentional use in a food or on a food contact surface does not occur. Respective MSDS documents must be available as well.
Of most significance is that repairs must not be conducted in the same area that food is being processed. This information could be included in the SOPs but the timing, cleaning and personnel to conduct these activities should be built into the Hub Budget.
Scheduling priority:
Repairs and maintenance should be conducted when the Food Hub has no food production in the facility.
However, if food is being produced, all attempts should be made to conduct any repairs or maintenance in a separate location, this can include outside the building in a protected environment.
If it is not possible to conduct these activities when there is no production, a physical barrier must be erected to prevent any stray parts, liquids, glass or plastic pieces, overspray when cleaning or other foreign material.
Prior to approving the use of the equipment or surfaces (such as tables) for food production after repairs or maintenance, the specific equipment must have all debris removed carefully to not impact other clean surfaces, ingredients, products, or other equipment and then be cleaned and sanitized.
Document list
Document list
The documents below are for your HUB use. You may use them as complete (pdf) or modify them to suit your needs as required (Word, Excel).
HUB.E.POL.16 Equipment Program Policy
pdf |
HUB.E.SOP.29 Equipment Procedures SOP
pdf |
Word HUB.E.SOP.30 Preventive Maintenance Program SOP
pdf |
Word HUB.E.SOP.32 New Equipment SOP
pdf |
HUB.E.FRM.54 List of Non-permitted and Temporary Repair Materials
pdf |
Word HUB.E.FRM.153 Plant Renovation, New Equipment and Purchase of Supplementary Utensils Form
pdf |
HUB.E.REC.33 Repair Companies Contact Information
pdf |
Word HUB.E.REC.34 Work Order Form/Service Report
pdf |
Word HUB.E.REC.35 Master Task List (Equipment)
pdf |
Word HUB.E.REC.36 List of Equipment and Machines (facility and users)
pdf |
Word HUB.E.REC.68 Outside Contractor Service Report
pdf |
Word HUB.E.REC.130 List of Equipment and Machines in HUB and Qualified Users
pdf |
HUB.E.WI.128 Thermometer Calibration Work Instruction
pdf |
Word HUB.E.WI.137 Mixer, Hobart Type Work Instruction
pdf |
Word HUB.E.WI.138 Light Bulb Installation Work Instruction
pdf\ |
HUB.E.SIGN.143 Notification of Maintenance Activities
pdf |